Nita Brooks Lewallen

Cowgirl Hall of Fame, Ex 1943

尼塔·博伊德·布鲁克斯·勒瓦伦于1923年出生在德克萨斯州的圣安吉洛. As a young girl during the hard, lean times of the 1930s, 她在她家位于斯威特沃特南部的30块牧场工作. 对马有与生俱来的爱,有坚定的奉献精神, 1935年,12岁的尼塔在双心牛仔竞技比赛中赢得了她的第一个比赛马鞍. 她继续作为一名认真的青年选手参加了整个西南地区的竞技比赛.

In 1940, 妮塔被威尼斯人网上赌场录取,并成为首批六名白马骑士之一. At the end of the 1940 semester, Nita withdrew from HSU due to the death of her mother, and returned to the campus in 1941. From 1941 to 1943, she was named Freshman Favorite, 在学习工商管理的同时,抽空教马术, rode with the Six White Horses, and competed in rodeos.

随着第二次世界大战愈演愈烈,妮塔开始制定她的个人计划来帮助战争. 知道陆军航空队需要女飞行员将飞机运送到战区, 她开始接受飞行训练,仅仅四周后就学会了单飞. 她最困难的问题是制定骑马去机场的时间表, flying, and then galloping back to school. 她获得了“飞行员”证书,并在追赶哥哥查尔斯的路上走得很好, who was completing his instructor rating, 1943年,在麦迪逊广场花园举行的世界马术锦标赛上,她被选为牧场女孩荣誉嘉宾.

Although she loved the University, she could not pass up this opportunity, which ultimately changed the course of her life. 在那里,她将在纽约与牛仔明星罗伊·罗杰斯会面并合作整整一个月, 然后代表西南地区参加波士顿花园竞技表演两周.

在纽约,妮塔遇到了路易斯·布鲁克斯,1943-44年全能牛仔世界冠军. 这对夫妇于1944年结婚,当时路易斯还是一名职业牛仔. 路易斯后来入选了俄克拉荷马城国家牛仔名人堂的竞技名人堂.

When Nita was devastated by her mother’s death in 1940, her father, believing that owning land could solve any problem, took her to see a beautiful ranch with a spring-fed valley. 她很喜欢那块地,她父亲当时就为她付了首付款.

By the time she entered Hardin-Simmons, she was already a successful cattle woman, raising Aberdeen Angus cattle on the ranch. After Louis retired from the rodeo circuit, 他和妮塔继续开发这处房产,并把注意力集中在管理牧场的马和牛上.

整个20世纪50年代,尼塔和路易斯都在训练和培育纯种马. After Louis’s death in 1983, Nita and her son Louis Jr. honored her husband’s wishes to carry on the horse business, 维持他们与列克星敦的泰勒梅德农场建立的伙伴关系, Kentucky. The following year, Coax Me Chad, one of the horses Louis and Nita had bred, finished second in the Kentucky Derby. 她最成功的一匹马Sam Who在1989年的12场比赛中赢得了6场.

In both 1991 and 1993, 尼塔被德克萨斯州纯种马育种协会评为德克萨斯州年度最佳育种者, and in 1990, was appointed to the association’s board of directors.

In 1992, 她获得了美国久负盛名的德克萨斯州纯种马业主和育种者年度荣誉, presented at Gainesway Farm in Lexington, Kentucky. 她还获得了美国农业部土壤保持奖和固特异年度牧场主奖.

1997年,尼塔被列入国家女牛仔博物馆和名人堂, 该奖项旨在表彰“在体现美国西部拓荒者精神的同时脱颖而出的女性”.“这是世界上唯一一家致力于纪念和记录美国西部女性非凡成就的博物馆.

In 1990, after seven years as a widow, Nita married G.K. Lewallen, 他是斯蒂芬维尔西部一家商店的老板,是一头冠军公牛, saddle bronc, and bareback rider from 1937 to 1956. G.K.他还入选了俄克拉荷马城国家牛仔名人堂的牛仔名人堂. In 1998, both Nita and G.K. were inducted into the Cowboy Walk of Fame in Stephenville.

Nita and G.K. live in Stephenville, 但妮塔仍然把大部分时间花在甜水牧场上,她和家人继续在那里养牛, sheep, and thoroughbreds. 她的女儿利·布鲁克斯·奥多姆是一名艺术家,住在加州. 妮塔有两个孙女,两个孙子和两个曾孙.

Throughout her many accomplishments, 妮塔被描述为一个体贴、真诚、说话温和的女人, kind manner, and a genuine modesty.
