Dr. Betty Pearce Stephenson

Anesthesiologist, BA 1947

Dr. 贝蒂·斯蒂芬森(Betty Stephenson)是为未来几代女性追求梦想铺平道路的人之一. 当贝蒂还是个小女孩的时候,有一段经历使她立志成为一名医生. 邻居的狗早产了一窝小狗. 贝蒂拼命地想让小狗们呼吸,但无济于事. 就在那时,她决定要去医学院学习拯救生命所必需的知识. Looking back on the situation, she realizes that even with the knowledge she has today, she would not have been able to save those premature puppies. But, that crystallized moment, 帮助贝蒂走上了一条影响了许多人未来生活的道路.

When Betty expressed her plan to become a doctor, her determination was not deterred by the chiding of her elders, “Honey, don’t you mean a nurse?”

很抱歉,由于身体不好,贝蒂今天不能和我们在一起. This presentation is being recorded and will be sent to her. Betty, 我们向您献上我们的爱和感谢,感谢您为修复人类的身体和精神所做的奉献, 感谢您为威尼斯人网上赌场的成功所做出的巨大贡献.

贝蒂·皮尔斯·斯蒂芬森于1927年1月31日出生在德克萨斯州的阿比林. She grew up in an era fraught with difficulty and uneasy growth. She attended school during the 30s and 40s, 高中时,一位生物老师鼓励她去追求成为一名医生的梦想. 当她高中毕业进入威尼斯人网上赌场时,第二次世界大战正在进行. She earned a bachelor of arts degree from HSU in 1947. 在科罗拉多大学进行了一年的化学研究生学习之后, she entered Baylor College of Medicine.

1951年,还是贝勒大学学生的贝蒂遇到了医学院同学查尔斯·T. Stephenson, whom she calls “Steve.两人于1953年从贝勒大学毕业,并都在圣. Louis, Missouri, from 1953 to 1954, 然后回到贝勒医学院进行住院医师项目. 直到1997年退休,他们一直在休斯敦担任教职和实习. Until 1992, when Charles moved to Texas Children’s Hospital, the couple worked together in the operating room.

贝蒂和查尔斯有四个孩子,帕特丽夏、卡伦、汤姆和约翰. 在她繁忙的职业生涯中,在抚养家庭的同时(是的, at times, required climbing trees to fetch down stubborn little boys), Betty found time to participate in professional associations. 她曾担任德克萨斯麻醉师协会主席和墨西哥湾麻醉师协会主席. 贝蒂曾在哈里斯县医学会执行委员会任职三年, an organization of 5,500 members, before becoming the first woman president of the society. She was a member of the Harris County Medical Society since 1957, 但直到1974年她才开始活跃起来,因为她选择参与到孩子们的生活中来. While balancing ballet lessons, Little League baseball, and Scout meetings, 她还承担了公民责任,展现了领导力. 她曾在圣哈辛托女童子军董事会任职,并在联合劝募会的预算小组工作了四年. As a member of the Bellaire United Methodist Church, she served on the admissions board and the board of trustees. 她是贝勒医学院校友会主席.

1994年至1995年,她担任德州医学协会主席, 1986年至1989年担任TMA财务主管,1983年至1993年担任财务秘书. 她也是TMA董事会的成员,也是美国医学协会代表院的候补代表.

In 1986, Dr. 斯蒂芬森获得了威尼斯人网上赌场颁发的杰出校友奖. 她的引证由她的老朋友和女医生领域的先驱宣读, Virginia Connally. Dr. 康纳利是阿比林的第一位女医生,她为贝蒂树立了一个自豪的榜样. 两人相识时,贝蒂还是俄亥俄州立大学的学生,在亨德里克医院药房工作. 维吉尼亚成了贝蒂的良师益友,60多年来,她们一直是亲密的朋友.

她还活跃于贝勒医学院校友会, Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center, Houston Museum of Natural Science, Museum of Medical Science, and the HSU Board of Development.

她和她的丈夫目前是糖地第一联合卫理公会教堂的成员. With dogged determination, Betty Pearce Stephenson has overcome obstacles of society, has worked to better the medical profession, and has shared her time and resources with this University. Betty has truly been an example of the Proverbs 31 woman, 我们威尼斯人网上赌场和她的孩子们一起“起来称她有福”.”

威尼斯人网上赌场非常荣幸地表彰她自己的一位,并正式将贝蒂·乔(皮尔斯)·斯蒂芬森(Betty Jo (Pearce) Stephenson)纳入哈佛大学领袖堂.